Dianthus Flowers
Welcome to the wonderful world of Dianthus Flowers!
The Carnation is a beautiful flower which deserves special attention! To inspire creatives all around the world, international growers join forces to spread the beauty and power of these flowers through the Dianthus Flowers platform.
Get creative!
Unlock the boundless world of floral artistry with the enchanting Carnation! Its enduring charm inspires endless creativity, whether it’s shining in bouquets or enhancing masterpieces. With a vibrant range of colours and shapes, the versatile Carnation fuels contemporary floral designs. Unleash your imagination in the world of floral extravagance!
From classic to innovative
Be inspired by the versatility of various product groups, from the classic big mono-flowers to the spray varieties and specialties. This extraordinary flower opens up a world of enchantment, generously offered by the dedicated carnation growers at Flower Auction Royal FloraHolland.
Be inspired
The inspirational content (mostly powered by Cinefleur & Flower Factor) shows you that a carnation bouquet or arrangement expresses exactly what you would like to say. Carnations are strong and unique: they make a difference. Innovative inspiration with Dianthus Flowers is shared on Instagram and Facebook channels every week!
“The Carnation is strong and different, just like the florist!”
Our videos
Dianthus designs
Ideas on how to use Dianthus or Carnations in floral designs. With so many stunning varieties to choose from, whether it’s a standard carnation or spray carnation, the possibilities to use them in flower arrangements are endless.
The big flower heads of the standard Carnation provide a powerful statement in any design. And varieties such as the Star Snow or petit Raffine are different and interesting and will do well with your customers.
That’s why we’d like to share some floral design ideas with the trendy Dianthus; surprise your customer with original arrangements with these long lasting beauties!
The growers
Anjers De Nijs
Divine Flowers
R.J.W. van der Hoorn
Contact: robinvdhoorn@anjerkwekerij.nl
Kwekerij Tonie VOF
Contact: info@kwekerijtonie.nl
J.W.M.G. van Heel VOF
Contact: hvanheel@hetnet.nl
Fa. J.N.M. Helderman
Contact: j.helderman78@caiway.nl
Poflor BVBA
Contact: poflorbvba@gmail.com
Wonink Bloemen S.L.
Contact: hannowonink@gmail.com
Cornflower BV
Contact: komtgoedbv@live.nl
Crousti Go BV
Contact: info@croustiflowers.com
Dvir Avi and Rotem Agriculture Ltd
Contact: dvirfarm@gmail.com
Bloemen Veiling Italy Soc
Contact: info@uniteditaly.com
Geli Tarim
Contact: geliflower@gmail.com
Del Golfo Green Societa’ Coop. e Flor.
Contact: info@delgolfogreen.com
Molo Greens Ltd
Contact: sales@mologreens.com
La Nuova Floricoltura Meridionale SRL
Contact: srl@lanuovafloricoltura.com
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